Archive for October, 2007

Harvesting feelings

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

feelings.jpgWhat people do on the internet… and make too, because coming up with the idea is one thing, being able to perform is another.

Since August 2005, We Feel Fine (click on the big pink heart) has been harvesting human feelings from a large number of weblogs. Every few minutes, the system searches the world’s newly posted blog entries for occurrences of the phrases “I feel” and “I am feeling”. The result is a database of several million human feelings.

Incredible and wonderful.

No cook, I am.

Monday, October 15th, 2007

paling2.jpgNow it’s official, I’m not a cook. I really don’t like it.
Some time ago a friend (yes, really, a friend) gave me a big fat eel. I put it in the freezer and thought it was smooked. Yesterday I decided that my freezer needed a defreeze. Practically the only thing that was left in it was that big fat, really nice looking eel. No problem, I could prepare that, couldn’t I? Just take the skin off. And who wouldn’t like a smoked eal on toast? So I planed to have that for dinner. Saved me from cooking a real meal didn’t it?

But it wasn’t smoked at all. It needed cooking. And yes, you can find all kinds of nice recipes on the internet but I did not have the ingredients that is needed at all. No green herbs for the eel in green. No onions and such. And of course it was too late for groceries.

So I decided to cook it in oil, some salt and pepper. The pure taste of the eel.
That’s how I know for sure, I’m not a natural… It did not taste good, not good at all. Maybe I waited too long in the defreezing proces, maybe I did not cook it long enough. I don’t know, but it was not good at all. I’m affraid it all ends up in the dustbin.

My whole house smells now. For how long? Problably until tomorrow. I hope not until the day after. Windows open, maybe that helps…

Really, I don’t cook fish ever again.

Tooth – untranslatable

Friday, October 12th, 2007

marleen-wisselt.jpgMy cousin, 6 years old, writes e-mails to my mother. Her grandmother.

Dear grandmother Els…
Ik hep 4 tanden eruit en ik hep er 1 los.op de foto kun je het zien.

Ik heb het over Halloween op school. Groep 4 die maakt een vleermuis
En groep 3 maakt een heks.en wij heben heel veel kestanjes en een
heelemoje hervst tavol.

Deke kuss van marleen

As far as I understand she lost a tooth, look at the picture. Besides that she talks about an autumn table they made at school and about a witch group three is making.

And very fat kisses



Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

bugatti.jpegDo you still call this a car? I don’t know anything about cars and will truely believe that this is a special one. Not in the least because it costs 1.800.000 euri.

But what strikes me is that they sell 50 peaces every year. Call me naive but I should have beleived 4 or 5 per year. Not 50!

Photo competition :-(

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

We did not win. Let me say this fair and squair. We did not win.
Isn’t it sad? But if you look at the winner it is not a real degradation. Our photo is still a very nice one.

You can’t always get what you want…
And girls, next time you’re here I buy you an icecream.

Paris in pics

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

So, we should have gone to the Centre Pompidou (see comments on the twitter post below). Then we could have spend our money. And next time I want to visit a city, I’ll remember Venice. Thanks for the tips. You see, my family travels international.

Here the pics of our trip to Paris. There aren’t much of me but I can ashure you that I was there. Jill will send me pictures she took of me soon. And if I can aprove of them I will publish them…

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