Archive for June, 2008

Spoorloos vedwenen

Saturday, June 28th, 2008

I read in the newspaper that this program is being broadcast again. So I looked at the website to see when my house would be on TV


Only old episodes this time ;-(
Maybe at the end of this year.

Mooi Weer Spelen

Monday, June 9th, 2008

They were fabulously grafical.

For me Delft is the city I grew up. This street theatre festival I helped organise in the starting years is called Mooi Weer Spelen. So I loved being there again. It was very lovely this past weekend, with the sun shining and all…

Key ring

Friday, June 6th, 2008

Last weekend I was with my georgeous nieces. You know them from pictures below.

They made me a gift. A key ring. But not just a key ring, no… one with a meaning.
You see at the picture the paperclips with the beads? This is the meaning of the colours:

Red: love, power, fire
Blue: trustworthy, cool, water
Green: ease, nature
Cherries: eat more fruit

Great huh, when you just know these things when you are 11 and 7 years old.


Sunday, June 1st, 2008

One of our Dutch cartoonists draws these days nothing without adding this icon. It is a warning. People with a skin or opinion may be hurt….

This due to the really excessively, I almost would say, attack of Nekschot. Who, by the way, draws really awful cartoons.

I find this reaction of Oppenheimer briliant and funny.

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